Monday 15 November 2010


As a group we discussed briefly about songs.
We want this to be a big album release as it throws our artist into the music industry rather than taking little steps.
We went through a list of her songs to pick out which one will be the title of the album and Ellie & myself thought that one of the songs about dreams would be good as Alice in Wonderland is like a big dream. Although we are sticking by the original cartoon version of Alice in Wonderland we thought about the fact that Alice remembers a dream from when she was little and she finds out near the end of the movie that it wasn't actually a dream, she just thought it was.
For an album we have a maximum play time of 74 minutes which is roughly - if each song is between 3 and 4 minutes - 21 songs
Some of Jose's other songs
  • Faces Going Places
  • For Now
  • Mother Theresa Can't Die
  • New Ride
  • Without Your Kisses
  • Alberto Morrocco
  • Swing Life Away
  • French Place (ft. Jonah Maddox)
  • Puppets
  • Me Without you
  • Matthew
  • Ode to Gilbert
  • A Little Love Song
  • Peter Pan
  • Literature Lovers
  • Fins Song
  • Madame Lenormand
  • Man On Wire/Coffee
  • Let The Light Into This Dark Room
  • First Attempt at logic
  • Deeds Not Words
  • Canada's Hero Composition
  • A Song For The Ignoble

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