Tuesday 9 November 2010


Ellie, Hannah and I watched through my rough cut version of our music video to see what things needed to be tweaked inorder to make the video perfect and give the rest of the group the chance to edit. This is what we found needed editing:
  • The piano sequence at the beginning needs a different shot as it is too long
  • 'There's a boy with a smile, he's thinking about Marie' is not in sync
  • ^ Needs a close up on Jack smiling
  • 'There's a woman with her baby...' Needs to be zoomed in so it looks as if Ellie is walking on and off rather than waiting in the shot
  • 'There's a girl with her boyfriend...' Needs to be zoomed in so that Hannah is cut out of the clip and we can see Ellie singing more clearly
  • Some of the instrmentals are too long and need to have something else added in
  • 'Gives them all the eye' Need to zoom in on Stephen's eye as he looks at the camera
While doing the final tweaks needed to the video Hannah and Ellie couldn't find how to zoom in. They looked through the tutorials on the final cut express website and googled it but could not find how to do it.
Hannah and I played around with it for a while, trying to see if we could use the crop tool instead, but we found that it makes the screen smaller as well. I noticed the screen box, which allows you to move the cut around, enlarge it and minimize it. So we cropped the clip and enlarged the clip and it worked.
It was only rough so I carried on to blog and research for our digi pack while Hannah and Ellie did it neatly to the clips needed. However, as posted in a previous blog, the pixels in the video made the shot look too unfocused. So we will be re-filming the part needed in super close up at the beginning of our editing day.

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