Wednesday 10 November 2010

Music Video Conventions

We have used most music video conventions in our video, such as camera movements, camera shots, editing and mise en scene. We didn't address lighting as much as we should of, and this has left us with the issue of fixing lighting issues in our editing sessions. Our video includes a varitey of camera shots, such as long shots, wide shots, high angle and low angle shots, mid shots and close - ups. Originally we were short on close ups of the artist (me), which are key in a music video so the viewer has a more inimate relationship with the artist and to show lip synching. After discovering the lack of close ups we had, we planned a slot of time where we could specifically film a number of close ups of our artist, we also showed close - ups of my hands playing the piano.
We mainly used the technique of panning for our camera movement, to establish the location of the miniature railway and to follow the movement of our artist. There are many jump cuts in our editing, to suit the beat of the song, especially in the sequence at the beginning when the music is quite jumpy. We also had to adjust editing to when the music changes in tempo, parts of the song being jumpy and fast and others being slower. The mise en scene in our video has not been used to create a particular theme, but to determine a certain style and to create the image of our artist. Both costume's and props contribute towards this, and the location added a certain random element but still linked to the song.

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