Tuesday 28 September 2010

Theorist Research and what we are incorperating

Goodwin's idea is that a video has three strands:
  1. Visuals
  2. Lyrics
  3. Music
Messages are portrayed through the strands, they can illustrate, amplify or contradict each other. We feel that our video should illustrate the lyrics of our song and amplify our music. We aim to do this by filming the exact events that our mentioned in the lyrics and using a random and colourful video to relate to the mood of the song. 

Dyer's theory is that the star is just an image that has been invented in order to make money and fit into the market - the real person is separate from the image being portrayed. However, we have decided to avoid this theory in our piece because we want to create an artist that our audience would be able to connect with on a personal level.
Dyer also believes that stars can represent a shared culture and convey their beliefs to enhance their star quality. We have chosen to incorporate this part of the theory but on a lower and more subtle level as we do feel that there is meaning behind the lyrics. For example, "the boy has lost his marbles, found them down the drain, the sticks to thin to get them so he will have to start again".

Voyeurism is a common theme in music videos and numerous theorists take this into account. Voyeurism is the idea of watching someone without them knowing, often used in a sense that the audience is watching the artist so there seeing them as they are. This can be reversed so the artist is watching other people and there songs is the commenting on what there seeing. We have decided to facilitate a voyeuristic response from our audience through the use both ideas. The reason that we are is so that the audience can connect with the artist and we want her to see relatable and she appears to be a 'normal' person. We are having the artist watch other people as a way for us to illustrate the lyrics.

Exhibitionism is argued by Laura Mulvey's as a way to show that men are incharge. Provocative videos show women are used as objects rather than a person in control. However, other women have argued that women use exhibition as a way of controlling their male audience. Siegmund Freud's idea is that sexual desire is the biggest motivation to humans.
Although we will be exhibiting our artist in the sense that we will be creating a wardrobe for her to portray her as bright, stand out and individual, we will not be exhibiting her in sexual way.

1 comment:

  1. Whislt there are perceptive comments here - the lack of presentation means that your viewers "switch off" - polish up a lot of your entries
