Thursday 23 September 2010

Music Video Analysis- Kate Nash

Kate Nash - Foundations

Uses the beats at the beginning to switch between clips.

 The clips show some of the different objects used later in the video to help illustrate the lyrics. This is known as form of for shadowing.
The tooth brushes represent the male and female in this relationship. The composition of the objects in the clip symbolise the status of their relationship at this stage of the story. They are together and facing the same way so they are getting along but they are not close, not facing each other. This is one of the many content signs that there is a seperation between the couple.

This shot shows another set of objects that will be later used to help illustrate the lyrics. It is, again, using 'his and her' objects, the same product but a male and female design, to represent the male and female characters in the story. They show the relationship to be more seperated. The majority of the objects in this shot is also archetypically female's. The design of the phone and the colour of the quilt cover.
This shot of someone using the shoes as bowling pins is very random and is the first sign in this video that shows Kate Nash to be very crazy, out there and random. It is also the first clip with yellow, from this clip on there is a lot of yellow that is used in Kate Nash's wardrobe and sympolises her to be very bright, up beat, and makes her stand out. It contrasts greatly to the male lead who wears very dull colours.His costum design also symbolises how he feels about the relationship they are in, mainly bored. This close up shot emphasises hi bordom as it shows his facial expression and the look in his eyes. It is obvious that he is looking her in the eye but it appears that he is trying to tell her he doesn't like being with her or hearing her "story".It becomes clear very early on that there are no two shots with the male and female leads in. There are only one shots, this shows that there is a barrier between them, they are protrayed as seperate. This over the shoulder shot is very interesting as Kate always sings to the audience, although the lyrics are directed at the male. This suggests that although Kate has felt like this for a while and they act it our toward each other, they never acutally talk to each other about it.
This is the first two shot used in 'foundations' music video. The costum contrasts greatly as I had before mentioned and  it shows that it was the male lead that was bowling with the shoes as the shoes he is wearing are the ones that were in the background. This tells the audience that he deliberatly messes up her stuff to annoy her and it links in with what she does to his later on in the video. the table leg acts as a metaphore. Although it is a table leg and is used to keep the table stable, it also signifies the barrier between them in their relationship. This shot also shows that there is a distance between them, as he puts his feet up on the plank under the table she takes hers down. Once again the furniture shows that the house they are living in is more hers than his as the chair he is sat on is yellow and this video shows yellow to be her colour.This shot protrays Kate to be very random (linking her to the image we want for our artist) as when she say "embaress me infront of our friends" she looks at the fish in the bowl as if they are their friends. This implies to the audience that as a couple they don't share any freinds, they don't get along with the same type of people. Emphasising that they are not meant to be toghether.
The video is used to illustrate the lyrics very well in this shot. as there are so many beers in the fridge it is apparent that they have sarcastic arguments frequently. Kate's face in this shot also emphasises her sarcasm due to the expression on her face. This conveys to the audience that what they say to each other aren't just words said when they are angry, they truely mean it. Just before this shot (in the same take) we can see some of the utensils in the kitchen that keep with the same idea that most of the stuff in the house are hers. For example, the pans are a very brightly coloured and a grily shade of green.
This shot has nothing to do with the lyrics, she is simply making his mess of beer bottles beautiful by adding a flower. This sybolises, again, their relationship. It is dirty and not what any one would want to find - symbolised through the beer bottles. The flower represents her trying to make it appear to be okay so that she doesn't have to leave him. The large number of beer bottles also shows that he is drunk which links with the lyrics that are sung during the next shot when he gets mad and swears at her - something that is known to happen in a bad relationship while one is drunk.
This shot being under the table links with Sigmund Freud’s Theory of voyeurism. They are watching what is going on without the artist knowing that they are there. It gives them a sense of ‘behind the scenes’. It could also be a symbolism for what it could be like in the future if they stayed together. The audience could make the link of an adult be angry and fighting with a child hiding under the table – if they were to stay together and have a child then this is the kind of life they would be given them.
This footage of Kate Nash kicking over a neatly stacked pile of skateboards links with the second shot in the video of the male lead knocking over all her neatly lined up shoes. They mess each others things up for fun. Although Kate kicks over his skateboards when singing about him swearing at her so this also gives the audience the idea that he doesn’t want her or care about her but she is trying her best to keep it together. She only knocks over his stuff when she is mad whereas he does it for fun. The lyrics in this part of the song are also blanked out for “bitch” which shoes Kate Nash to be someone against swearing and makes her music suitable for the younger generation. I think this is a good image to have.
This shot is very random again, using dinosaurs instead of people as “friends”. This once again builds on the idea that they do not have any mutual friends.
It also foreshadows some of the later takes of the inanimate objects used to signify people. They are down through a couple of photos taken from exactly the same position but the objects moved slightly for each one to give the affect that they are moving them selves. I really like this affect and ch other. This is one of the manbe incorporating this idea into our music video.

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