Saturday 16 October 2010

Risk assessment at the miniature railway

We will be filming at the miniature railway at 1.30pm  on the 16th of October 2010.

In case of rain – we have two umbrellas to protect the cameras and equipment.
Training – we have all had a practice using the camera and have been taught how to look after the camera and set it up with a tripod correctly.
Power – We have a long power adapter in case the battery in the camera runs flat.
 Other actors – we have briefed the other actors who will be in our music video so they have an idea of what we will be doing on set.
Mud – we have a tray to put under the tripod legs in case it sinks in the mud; this is to protect the tripod as well as making our shot steadier.
First aid – there is a qualified first aider at the railway.
In case of fire- there are designated fire exits which are clearly signed at the station.
Time – as we will be filming 20 minutes before the station opens to the general public we shouldn’t be there at the peak time, and large crowds are not expected.
Noise – we have briefed the owners of the station that we will be using filming a music video and will have the song playing on music speakers.

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