Sunday 3 October 2010

Music video analysis - Sara Barellies 'love song'

Her sound is similar to our artist as she uses the piano as her main instrument; the piano tempo also stays consistent throughout the song. Sara Barellies is an indie rock artist; you can see this from her video and also her image. Some of the shots show her playing the piano. This has been done intentionally to show how she is not just a singer but also a musician.

The video also contains close ups which the theorist Goodwin suggests that ‘close ups shots should always be included’. The reason for this is so that it gives the artist more of a relationship with the audience, the way she looks at the camera isn’t to create sex appeal, but to connect with the audience as if she is singing to them rather then just to the camera.

Artist rehearsing
Their is a use of jump cuts between the artist performing in casual and formal wear, the editing has been done to deliberately show the differences between when the artist is performing and when she is rehearsing. This can be part of Steve Archers theory ‘showing two sides of the artist when they are performing and when they are practicing’.   

Artist Performing

We can use this technique when making our video because this is a common feature seen in indie videos, showing the artist in the rehearsals  and then performing, it can give an insight in to the artist lives and 'behind the scene footage' which seems unrehearsed and makes them seem more down to earth, normal people.

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