Monday 11 October 2010


We went to the miniature rail way at Audley End, and took some location photos.This would be the perfect location for our music video as it has the train and platform which we decided went well with the song . We are now waiting for a .reply from the station to see whether we can film here

The only parts of the train left out were the carriage, but we were already aware of what the whole train looked like from pictures displayed on the website for audley end miniature railway.

This picture above is of the platform, we would like to include this in the video and have people appearing on the platform at the beginning, one by one. We also though it might be an idea to use the bench, possibly for the part of the song when 'there's a boy with a smile'.

In this picture we can see all parts of the train station, we would like to make use of all the space and thought we could use the platform, train and bridge to film different sections on.

This would be a perfect angle to film a train coming in, with our artist sitting on it.

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