Tuesday 5 October 2010

Music Video Ideas

In one of our lessons, Miss Mapp introduced a helpful way for us to get ideas for our music videos. Each group played their chosen song and the rest of the class would make notes on ideas they got for the music video from listening to the song. It was interesting to see if other people had similar or different ideas to ours and funnily enough the majority of people seemed to have the same ideas. Most people said the video should have bright colours and the piano would have to feature, they also agreed on our plans to illustrate the lyrics and have our artist 'Jose Vanders' observing everything that is going on in the video. We told the class that we hoped to film the video at a miniature railway station and they also agreed that this would be appropriate for the type of image we are trying to create. Originally we had planned for the video to be set at the railway station and no where else, but Miss Mapp put forward the idea that piano seems to be a big feature in the song and therefore we should cut from scenes at the station to Jose Vanders in a separate place playing the piano and singing the song.

We have now updated our original ideas since that lesson, we are still going to use a miniature railway station depending on whether we get a reply of approval from either audley end or van hagues miniature railway. We are also still illustrating the lyrics with Jose Vanders observing these illustrations which are going on around her. We have taken Miss Mapp's idea of cutting from the station to Jose Vanders playing her song and developed it further when discussing what sort of back round we would want for those shots. Hannah had an idea that we should film her in a piano shop playing one of the grande pianos which suited our concept of the video being 'random'. There is clapping at the start of the song, and we are having the characters in the video clapping as well as Jose Vanders in order to link them into the video. In terms of the artists costume we still want to dress her in bright colours and old fashioned/individual clothes, I may have a dress at home which would be ideal as its style is old fashioned but this is not definite. We want the other characters to be dressed in black and white to contrast to our artist and I suggested that when they are being sung about in the song they should suddenly appear in colour to highlight that they are the character being sung about. Overall we seem to have progressed well with our ideas and our main issue is whether we will be given approval to use the railway stations as our location for the video.

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