Tuesday 19 April 2011

research for digi pack

In research for my digi pack I have been looking at the two atrists that inspired our artist's image; Kate Nash and Lily Allen.

In Kate Nash's CD cover 'Made Of Bricks' she has the same physical image as was shown in our research - one bold colour allthe way down with a belt to define her body, hair down but styled. The dress is, again, not too revealing (from what we can see) but is still only knee length with heels to emphasise her legs.
The CD cover links to the title of the CD by including a house (Brick). The house is yellow to portray the artists' quirkness and bright personality with oversized dasies to complement this preffered reading. The horse shaped hedges, big bright coloured house and over sized dasies gives the CD cover a dream like feel which links in with our own theme and the font makes it look as if a child wrote it. This makes it appear innocent and niave - just like our own Artist image.

This CD cover for Kate Nash's 'My Best Friend Is You' again empahsises the childlike dream like image that Kate presents and that we have incorporated. The beige background of the CD cover makes it appear simple and the colage like picture makes it look as if she has made it herself and it could be made by anyone. The picture on the cover links with the title as it includes multiple hearts which is a representations for her lover for this friend. It also links as female friends often make colages together of all their photos together and this is a colage of possibly things iconic to their friendship.
Lily Allen's 'It's Not Me. It's You' CD cover is also a simple cover. It portrays her girly personality with the use of pink and her confidence in her body posture and facial expression (strong, chin up and smiling). The picture on kthe front cover did not appear to have a link to the title of the CD at first, but I realised that Lily Allen appears very happy and content. This could possibly have a reading that she is happy thinking that if someone has a problem with her or she breaks up with someone it is because of their problems - not hers. The cover catches my eye because Lily Allen is not the type of person to wear posh dresses, she is making a statment (but this is not something I want to incorporate into my digi pack as it is meant to be introducing the artist so her image needs to be made clear)

Lily Allen's 'Alright, Still' presents her to be from London but I very "common" kind of person. Her gold, big jewllery makes her appear more of a CHAV than a singer and the extra jewlery gives off the impresion that it is actually "bling". I like the doodle effect used on the cover as it potray a quirky, "normal" image which is what I want for my artist. It is very English as well, using an English cab, English police hat and the Lion wearing a crown. The speakers and records on the cover emphasises her love for music. However, it empahsises her ability to be a recording artist so I want to challenge this by using my front digi pack to protray my artist as a performance artist.

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